Tools for performing, improvising and creating stories in public space

A human experience in which you will discover your city and it’s inhabitants through the eyes of a recently arrived foreigner.
‘BODY, SPACE, INTERACTION’ / a street theatre workshop
Kamchàtka company’s street theater workshop is based on the tools, theatrical language and use of public space that the company has been developing and refining throughout its trajectory.
The workshop is focused on the knowhow we use, free from any specific dramaturgy and from the Kamchatka characters. This offers us the possibility to delve deeper into the essence of the knowhow required for performing in public spaces, as we perceive it; the body in motion, space, non-verbal language and the interaction and participation of the public.
It is a theater workshop in which playfulness and games demand us to keep all five senses open to everything which surrounds us and accompanies us. Using all of the above, we will reach our ultimate goal, which is to transform space in order to create a unique artistic experience.
Concept, joint creation and instructors: Cristina Aguirre, Maïka Eggericx, Sergi Estebanell, Claudio Levati, Andrea Lorenzetti, Judit Ortiz, Lluís Petit, Josep Roca, Edu Rodilla, Santi Rovira, Gary Shochat, Prisca Villa, Adrian Schvarzstein.
The Workshop will be conducted by 2 members of the company.
A production of CARRER 88, S.L. accompanied by HH Producties.