“For some people, concerts of early music are retreats, small islands of relaxation in a noisy world.
For us it should be the opposite: current, contemporary and political.” Thomas Hoeft, ZAMUS, Cologne

“For some people, concerts of early music are retreats, small islands of relaxation in a noisy world.
For us it should be the opposite: current, contemporary and political.” Thomas Hoeft, ZAMUS, Cologne
MUSICA FUGIT / When Classical Music meets immersive theatre
“Musica Fugit” is an adaptation of Kamchatka Company’s third production: “FUGIT”. The Kamchàtka actors are joined by an orchestra of musicians who blend in un-noticed into the group and together with whom they all portray the same ‘timeless immigrants’.
The show immerses the audience in a world with numerous paths and seemingly infinite locations, characters which come and go, boundless instruments whose chords refuse to cease being played, poetic, sad, hopeful and painful images and scenes… a hoard of sensations which enter your guts and move you beyond words.
An intense production which transforms public space into a stage and which unites music and theatre in a rare and unique way.
Musical concept: Michael Hell and Adrian Schvarzstein.
Concept, joint creation: Cristina Aguirre, Maïka Eggericx, Sergi Estebanell, Claudio Levati, Andrea Lorenzetti, Judit Ortiz, Lluís Petit, Josep Roca, Edu Rodilla, Santi Rovira, Adrian Schvarzstein, Gary Shochat, Prisca Villa.
Performers: Cristina Aguirre, Sergi Estebanell, Claudio Levati, Andrea Lorenzetti, Amaya Mínguez, Judit Ortiz, Lluís Petit, Josep Roca, Edu Rodilla, Santi Rovira, Adrian Schvarzstein, Gary Shochat, Jordi Solé, Prisca Villa.
“We prefer to perfom with the Cologne Zamus musical ensemble, in view of the musicians familiarity and understanding of the show’s repertoire and dynamics, but we also can perfom with your favorite musical ensemble.
The Music can be further adapted, in collaboration with the selected ensemble.”
A CARRER 88, S.L. production, accompanied by Melando. Co-producer: ZAMUS, Cologne, Germany.
Supported on tour by
Photo credits: ZAMUS